Friday, 5 July 2013

Childhood Dream: A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes

When I was a little younger, around the age of 5 I guess, my dad started to buy me those Disney princesses movies and also any cartoons that contains suitable content for general viewing (Well, obviously). I was attracted to how wonderful it is to be a princess, to be someone special, and to be just like those characters in the cartoon. I had a lot of childhood dreams, all of them are those which you could find in a typical five year old fantasy. 

Ya, I do have a lot, and I mean a LOT. Let me list them down for ya, okay....

1. I dream of becoming a princess. ( I guess it's normal for every girl, unless if it's me the only one thinking so). I want to be just like Belle in Beauty and the Beast, the long lost Princess Anastasia, kissed by a handsome prince in your sleep...and all the other cliche princess stuff. I really did hope that someday, a certain person may come to me and tell me that I am actually a princess and may be able to live in a castle far far away. I really did crossed my fingers once, hoping that it would really happen. 

2. I dreamed of meeting Totoro and any other weird living creatures out there that do no exist and going on adventures with them. Sometimes I just wish that I would be swooshed away by magical sea waves or whatever natural phenomena thingy and could land on a place where myths and legends co-exists. Especially after watching Totoro, I really did want to meet it. It's just too cute to be true!!! 

3. I wanted to go and meet Sailormoon and rescue the earth with her. Until one day my dad bought me a toy scepter and I couldn't stop imagining that I was Sailormoon trying to save the world. I know. Pathetic, right? 

4. I wished I could meet Peter Pan and go to Neverland.  My dad used to tell me stories of him and told me to go to sleep early every night because he said that Peter Pan will come visit me every night alongside with Tinkerbell. My dad told me that I could fly to somewhere far far away with him with a little pixie dust and trust as long as I keep my eyes shut. I still dream of this up until now. 

Too bad though, I couldn't remember much of it but ever since I could remember, I dreamed of going out venturing the world with princesses, warriors, dragons, magical beings and such and to come back to reality after a great day's journey. Still, these dreams did make a certain little kid deep inside me to pop up again at times as it triggers her little heart every time she watched back all those cartoons. Aren't dreams just wonderful? 


  1. Sailormoon :3 i forgot how much i love it when i was a kid.

    1. Ya, I knw right. ' With the forces of the moon!' hoho. :p

  2. Belle with the yellow dress. Is it?

    1. Ya, the one with the yellow dress. Pwetty. :)
